Artikelnummer Hersteller / Marke Kurze Beschreibung TeilstatusFunktionAusgangskonfigurationTopologieAusgabetypAnzahl der AusgängeSpannung - Eingang (Min)Spannung - Eingang (Max)Spannung - Ausgang (Min / Fixed)Spannung - Ausgang (Max)Aktueller OutputFrequenz - UmschaltungSynchrongleichrichterBetriebstemperaturBefestigungsartPaket / FallLieferantengerätepaket
Linear Technology/Analog Devices IC Regulators BST SWITCHD Capacitor INV 10DFN ActiveStep-UpPositive and Negative (Dual Rail)Boost, Charge PumpAdjustable22.4V15V±1.25V±40V180mA (Switch), 320mA (Switch)
No0°C ~ 70°C (TA)Surface Mount10-WFDFN Exposed Pad10-DFN (3x3)
Linear Technology/Analog Devices IC Regulators BST SWITCHD Capacitor INV 10DFN ActiveStep-UpPositive and Negative (Dual Rail)Boost, Charge PumpAdjustable22.4V15V±1.25V±40V180mA (Switch), 320mA (Switch)
No0°C ~ 70°C (TA)Surface Mount10-WFDFN Exposed Pad10-DFN (3x3)
Linear Technology/Analog Devices IC Regulators BST SWITCHD Capacitor INV 10DFN ActiveStep-UpPositive and Negative (Dual Rail)Boost, Charge PumpAdjustable22.4V15V±1.25V±40V180mA (Switch), 320mA (Switch)
No0°C ~ 70°C (TA)Surface Mount10-WFDFN Exposed Pad10-DFN (3x3)
Linear Technology/Analog Devices IC Regulators BST SWITCHD Capacitor INV 10DFN ActiveStep-UpPositive and Negative (Dual Rail)Boost, Charge PumpAdjustable22.4V15V±1.25V±40V180mA (Switch), 320mA (Switch)
No0°C ~ 70°C (TA)Surface Mount10-WFDFN Exposed Pad10-DFN (3x3)
Linear Technology/Analog Devices IC Regulators MULT CONFIG INV ADJ 10DFN ActiveStep-Up, Step-Up/Step-DownPositive and Negative (Dual Rail)Boost, Cuk, Flyback, SEPICAdjustable22.4V16V±1V±40V1.3A1.2MHzNo0°C ~ 70°C (TA)Surface Mount10-WFDFN Exposed Pad10-DFN (3x3)
Linear Technology/Analog Devices IC Regulators MULT CONFIG INV ADJ 10DFN ActiveStep-Up, Step-Up/Step-DownPositive and Negative (Dual Rail)Boost, Cuk, Flyback, SEPICAdjustable22.4V16V±1V±40V1.3A1.2MHzNo0°C ~ 70°C (TA)Surface Mount10-WFDFN Exposed Pad10-DFN (3x3)